If We're not good with money... it's because we don't talk about money...
This Show Was Designed To Change just That!
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- Timeless PodcastOctober 17, 2020 by OrangePearl6 from United States
The topics and advice discussed in this podcast is on point. It will focus you to evaluate yourself and plan follow up action items. I use it for as tool to further adult education and discussion with my son. I hope the series resumes in 2020.
- Thank YOUJune 25, 2020 by Shellsoreal from Canada
This podcast is very well put together, thank you for taking the time and even feeling the need to educate us.
- Awesome awesome!April 28, 2020 by Aleicia Nicole from United States
I really need to stop procrastinating and GET MY MONEY RIGHT!!! Thank you!!
- Great PodcastJanuary 10, 2020 by Eustaus from United States
Great Podcast Overall Love the episodes and what it touched on Finical literacy empowering people.
- GratefulNovember 3, 2019 by CharylStyles from United States
I’m thankful that this podcast was created. I’ve learned so much, and he’s so right, a lot of this information is not taught. I’m glad he took the time to teach concepts about money that aren’t spoken of, especially in the black community.
- ✅February 6, 2019 by Charbaby65 from United States
It's time for another podcast
- Top of da World Mi GADecember 17, 2018 by LAFALOT ENTERTAINMENT from United States
Really dope views.
- Get your Money Right Now!!November 19, 2018 by nikat007 from United States
I love this young man, though he's much younger than me, as a single mother I have benefited from many aspects of his financial insight. This information is vital. I listen with my young kids. Please support this guy, his information is very useful.
- Dope PodcastJuly 26, 2018 by Jay Leonard from United States
Right on time! Not your traditional money podcast here, Jamar questions the status quo and forces the listener to do so as well. A lot of information we've received about finances are just wrong and outdated and Jamar does a great job of addressing these issues. Thanks for your insight!
- Great podcastMay 30, 2018 by lild07 from United States
Get your money right!
- ReviewMay 25, 2018 by AnnWat from United States
Great Show. Loads of workable information.
- Great Listen- Financial EducationMay 15, 2018 by Californication King from United States
This is a great podcast because I am receiving from one who is where I am. Not already this billion or super million trying to advise back for a cost. Only advice would be to make the Podcast 20mins each week. It will Lean out and be able get straight to the point and probably be the BEST Podcast out!
- The missing pieces when it comes to finance.January 27, 2018 by six6plosion from United States
Definitely, a conversation worth listening too.
- Info we need to know!!January 23, 2018 by BlackNLovely from United States
Just came across this podcast on my morning commute! Literally helped alleviate the anxiety I have regarding taxes!! Will be ‘plugging’ this show on my podcast for more exposure! Great job!!
- Nothing Like The TruthJanuary 10, 2018 by Treshina from Italy
Jarmar gives you the meat, veggies, and dessert when it comes to getting your money right. He speaks to you from learned experiences in a way that’s down to earth and comprehensive.
- Excited for 2018 and Get your Money Right!January 2, 2018 by ScottonTheRealtor from United States
Awesome start to 2018, thanks for your service!
- GREAT BASICS...PLUS MORE!!!July 29, 2017 by Mrrdsmithjr from United States
I've subscribed to a ton of personal finance, business, and investment podcasts. With that said, I've listened to many more episodes of GYMR than any other. The podcast is a simple, straight forward, and honest approach that can be VERY much appreciated. I don't personally know Jarmar but I feel like I do. He's a smart guy that has the ability to break it down for the single mom, the art-minded person, or the widow that had no idea of how to take over the finances. Thanks Jarmar! Looking forward to listening to more episodes. God bless!
- My Favorite Podcast EverJune 9, 2017 by The Credit Paramedic from United States
Thank you sooooo much! As a credit specialist I do so much self educating and studying and your podcast has been the icing on the cake to just make things more simple or clear up certain things that I have been researching. I have a lot of "ah ha" moments while listening to the podcast. This information has blessed me and my clients and I tell EVERYBODY about the podcast. Thank you thank you thank you for your time and attention towards a much needed area of improvement in our community.
- Game ChangerMay 10, 2017 by ASC206 from United States
I can't describe how much this podcast has improved my peace of mind, finances and (most importantly) my marriage. My husband and I are now on the same page about our goals, the legacy we want to leave our children and the daily example we want to model. Whether you are a low or high income earner, everyone will learn simple techniques to take your life to the next level. The Financial Roadmap episodes are a must listen. I have shared this with friends and family many times over. Get Your Money Right has ignited a passion for learning I thought I lost years ago. I've heard all the episodes and re-listen just to pick up gems I missed the first time. Outstanding work, Jarmar! Thank you!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!!
- Keep up the good work!March 23, 2017 by opportUNITY Development LLC from United States
The topics in this podcast should be required education in schooling. Jarmar is down to earth and speaks to those that are not on the level of the financially independent - YET. His recommendations are spot-on and easy to follow. I would like to hear his insight for those that have fluctuating incomes, i.e. business owners, commissioned salespeople, etc.
- Passionate and TransparentMarch 13, 2017 by MikaWlm from United States
This is such a great podcast! Jamar’s passion about educating the masses on handling money right bleeds through this podcast. It’s refreshing to see someone I can relate to talk about money. Sometimes listening to shows about personal finance can be daunting and out of reach. However, Jamar’s approach speaks to “regular” people who want to be better with the way they handle money. He is transparent in telling us how he is able to manage his household finances with a wife that stays at home, while bringing home a firefighter’s salary. Thank you Jamar for your passion, dedication and transparency.
- Give him a chance!!March 1, 2017 by Thugnasty1369 from United States
My buddy turned me onto this about 3 months ago and it has changed our lives. It's a completely different perspective on money. I have lived paycheck to pay check since I was 18. I will be 25 next month and it will be the first month I will be able to plan bills one check ahead. 3 of us have started meeting 1-2 times a month and discuss money. Please keep it up!! Much love from Dayton Ohio!!
- Den beste pengepodcastenFebruary 7, 2017 by Alexander Solås Hansen from Norway
Unikt show som blant annet omhandler å komme seg ut av hengemyra, å få kontroll på økonomien for harmoni, hvorfor pensjon ikke fungerer, å så frø for fremtidig avkastning.
- On point and ON TIMEJanuary 11, 2017 by L. Perkins from United States
Sup all, I can't really say enough about getting your money right. A very important subject that doesn't get the kind of exposure that it really needs. For everyone the subject matter is important, but for P.O.C. It couldn't be more on time. We have sat by too long and watched as our people didn't have much and couldn't pass anything on to our children....no longer. Get your money right, so theirs will be right. Thanks Jarmar, keep up the great work
- Candid and highly useful informationNovember 2, 2016 by Josh_Mose from United Kingdom
The thing that separates this podcast from others is that the information you receive feels REAL, and that it's been gathered through real experiences. Some of the other personal finance podcasters can come across as patronising and you're not convinced they've really had hard times themselves. The candid experiences the host shares lend huge weight to the advice, and I've already been able to apply some of the advice to my own finances that have had a big impact. Keep up the good work!
- Just What We Need!July 12, 2016 by ClearSoul from United States
Only two episodes in and I'm convinced this is a podcast that is needed for such a time as this!!! The host perfectly articulates practical advice, coupled with his real-life experiences for the benefit and enjoyment of the listener. In a time where people learn how to get ahead and keep the knowledge for themselves, Jarmar's transparency and genuine concern for his listeners is inspiring. He keeps it real with us and that's refreshing for anyone aiming to make changes in their lives for the benefit of their future - truth is the antidote. Give an ear to one podcast and you'll be hooked- especially young adults. Thanks Mr. Dupas. We look forward to learning and growing as a result of your service.
- great showJune 15, 2016 by Tom Morkes from United States
Really a ton of great info in this show. Jamar is a great host with a unique perspective. He is clear and engaging. Love tuning in
- AwesomeJune 7, 2016 by ThisisJoshO from United States
The production and audio quality first and foremost is top notch. This is a well put together body of work. The advice this podcast has to offer is amazing and you are sure to get some great insight. This is definitely worth the listen and I highly recommend! -Josh O
- Ready to learnMay 24, 2016 by KCmomma from United States
Got my ears up listening to your perspective. Love to hear that you and your wife are on the same page and making it work when it comes to that all mighty dollar. Can't wait to hear and learn more!
- Love love LOVE your podcast!May 16, 2016 by JZ77024 from United States
I have become a regular listener of your podcast. Thank you so much for providing such intimate information about your private, family life in order for others to benefit from your learnings! Keep up the good work!
- Eye opening episode!!!May 9, 2016 by Altron J. from United States
Great real talk info about number that matter! Listening to this episode sets up my Mondays also will as my week for focusing on my financial clarity!
- A very REAL and PRACTICAL approach to winning with money!April 22, 2016 by DJSugaBoy from United States
Jarmar takes a very straight-forward, ground-up approach to winning with money. He'll coach you on financial strategy while at the same time assisting you in building a strong personal, spiritual foundation.
- Walks the TalkApril 19, 2016 by Lynn8y2 from United States
I love getting good info from people who have learned from experience. Looking forward to what's to come on this show.
- Real talk about moneyApril 12, 2016 by @WakeUpYourWhy from United States
Great job. It’s real talk about money and goals and Why. Principals we all need at any age. Keep up the funk.
- Love, love, love it!!April 6, 2016 by AuntMarsha from United States
Thank you Jarmar for taking time out of your life to make this podcast. Great tips and delivery is very personable. Very relatable.
- So Awesome!!!April 4, 2016 by DwreckFlo21 from United States
This is right on time and so on point with certain financial topics that may be uncomfortable for most people to discuss, but are so necessary. Thank you for doing this! Much appreciated my good sir!
- The Show I Wished Was Available Years AgoMarch 15, 2016 by DrJDup from United States
This is a little biased since I created it but this is the show/information I wish I had years ago. Thanks for listening and I hope you find it extremely useful!
- A MUCH needed, fresh perspective on finances!March 9, 2016 by starrryj from United States
Honest, soulful, relatable, inspiring, educational plus a big helping of real-life sense of humor make this show a complete joy to listen to! This is not your traditional financial podcast. Jarmar aka The Money Misfit is a 30-something year old with a typical career, wife and young children dealing with all the things us fellow young adults are dealing with while navigating through the various transitions and money decisions in life. We could all be better with our money if we just talked about it-and that is exactly what he’s doing! From episode 00 you will be intrigued…a must-subscribe if you want to get your money right!
- A fresh perspective on money!March 9, 2016 by starrryj from United States
This is the show us millennials never knew we needed! It's true, most of us are just stumbling along with our finances because we don't actually talk about them and haven't had the proper guidance in the area at all. But as we are building our careers and our families, we should also be building our knowledge on how to create an actual legacy. Jarmar has a great sense of humor and combines that with a soulful, easy-going and relatable approach to bringing up some real money matters that will benefit anyone listening! So if you are searching for some kind of financial peace, then you have come to the right place. A must-subscribe if you want to get your money right!!!
- I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind!March 7, 2016 by Sonia E. Thompson from United States
I enjoyed this - the intro, Jarmar's laid back style, and the focus on a very important topic. I am probably one of the few who hasn't yet read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but after listening to this episode and Jarmar's commentary I'm adding it to my list of must reads
- AMAZING PODCAST! FILLS A VOIDMarch 3, 2016 by Coffeeman11 from United States
I love it, look so forward to hearing the episodes! Honest, simple, and filled with big time nuggets of information. The speaker is relatable, intelligent, and funny! Definitely subscribe!
- A must listen!!!March 3, 2016 by AngelaKiser from United States
This is brilliant. I love how open and honest Jamar is. What a great approach to talking about what we all need to talk about... Money! Please keep them coming!
- I’m ready to talk about moneyMarch 3, 2016 by jerodmorris40 from United States
This show has one of the best intros I’ve ever heard. Love it! And Jarmar is a great host, with a unique voice, and important things to say.
- Friendly & approachableMarch 2, 2016 by leslie keslie from United States
Good music and very down-to-earth, approachable take on a topic everyone should think about: smarter managing of money.
- Can't wait for moreMarch 2, 2016 by Bwil212 from United States
The intro in itself was powerful. Looking forward to what's next. Great insight on real life.
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