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Ever wonder how the Civil Rights Movement was financed? Who keept the lights on at Dr. King’s home? Who fed and clothed all these people marching? Who paid the bails for the countless number of arrest made during that time? In episode 78, we discuss the role money played in the movement and how it’s just as important today!
In this 41 minute episode:
- What role did money play in the civil rights movement?
- Who provided the funding and financing during this struggle?
- What about MLK’s family? [6:00]
- What does Kaepernick have to do with anything? [6:40]
- What were costs necessary to make it all happen?
- Even some black folk didn’t like him [8:20]
- Who bailed out all those arrested while participating in the demonstration? [13:00]
- Where did people stay and how’d they eat during the marches? [14:30]
- Black owned businesses and millionaires of that time. [19:30]
- How would things be different today if stood behind and funded the brave amongst us?
- One of the best ways to save the poor and middle class [21:42]
- Was money really that important?
- If you don’t earn enough money then what? [27:00]
- The real reason MLK was assasinated [30:45]
Links mentioned:
- Show notes found at https://yourmoneyright.com/78
- Book: The Vanishing Middle Class. Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy.
- Dave Chappelle’s Netflix Special
- Join The Misfits Facebook Group