To go from where you are today to a place where you have never been before requires a road map. With the various pseudo shortcuts being sold in the market today it’s easy to lose your way. But what if you had a rock solid, no-nonsense, no-fail set of directions tailor made specifically for you. In this episode, we start down that journey and reveal the proven initial steps and thought processes that make arrival inevitable. Roadmap to Getting Your Money Right is an essential episode and not to be missed!
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In this 51 minute episode we discuss:
- We’ve reached 1000 downloads of the podcast! [2:50]
- We’re now on Stitcher! [3:40]
- New E-Course in the works [4:25]
- Upcoming promotional exam putting a halt to things [5:00]
- The goals for the RoadMap [9:00]
- Chickens, Pigs, and COMMITMENT to breakfast? [12:45]
- What to get clear about
- Where to start
- Framework for new goals
- Credit Scores
- And money principals that force you to win
Show Notes:
- Credit Karma
- Credit Sesame
- Mint.com
- Jarmar on Twitter