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Season 6 kicks off with a 2017 recap, announcements, and an important question as we start the New Year! I’m a strong believer that the right answers are only revealed by asking the right questions and in the episode, we ask THE most important question when it comes to you and your money… Happy New Year!!!
In this 26 minute episode, we discuss:
- 2017 was full of blessings
- 2017 costs us THOUSANDS in unexpected expenses
- What’s up with the Misfit Family!
- Why Black Dollars Matters to me [11:25]
- Kids & Money [12:13]
- Living above your means [13:05]
- Opening Misfit Membership again [14:02]
- Supporting the show [14:30]
- Curriculum for Married Couples [15:55]
- Want to watch us do our money? Here’s how… [16:20]
- A favor to ask [17:26]
- Important questions to leave you with [18:58]
- My promise [20:15]
- Your homework [22:49]
Here’s the question… What do you want your money to do for you this year? Let us know in the comments!
Great show. I’m already learning a lot. I want my money to allow me to travel to Panama and England by the close of 2019