Get Your Money Right
Get Your Money Right
The Heartbreaking Cost of Being Average


What is the cost of average?  Being average (or even slightly above) gives us a sense of safety and security.  We’re not as bad off as the worst but we’re not quite amongst the “elite”.  Being great these days seem to come with a bit of risk.  Risk being ostracized, risk of leaving friends behind, risk of being seen as somebody that has it all together… Since when did we adopt this idea that mediocrity is cool?  In this episode, we challenge that sense of safety and security in being average.  More importantly, we count the cost… This may rub somebody wrong… The average person won’t listen to this though…  So it’s on us…  Let’s get it!

In this 57 minute episode we discuss:

  • Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! This episode is in commemoration of MLK…
  • The first Get Your Money Right Bootcamp runs today…
  • The cost of average, and why staying still puts you at risk…
  • Why we cannot depend on social security and other retirement programs…
  • Who will step up and do what you were called to do other than you?
  • 20/20 episode on the shrinking and hidden middle class America…
  • Further details for the Get Your Money Right Bootcamps! (Join the Mistfits to be the first to get notifications when it’s open because enrollment is very limited)
  • And much more….


Do you have questions, comments, or concerns?  Bring the conversation here to the comments!

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